Saturday, December 4, 2010

As for the Haddadiyyah, they do not accept us!

It is taken from Ibn Raahaway in his Musnad 3/670, he said: Shaybaan said to Ibnul- Mubaarak: “O Aboo Abdur-Rahmaan what do you say with regards to those who make zina, those who drink Khamr, and what is similar to that, is he a believer?” Ibnul-Mubaarak said: “I do not expel him from eemaan.” The man said to him: “With old age you have now become a Murji’ee?!” So Ibnul-Mubaarak said to him: “The Murji’ah do not accept me! I say that eemaan increases and decreases and the Murji’ah do not say that, rather the Murji’ah say
that their good deeds are accepted and I do not know if my good deeds are accepted! How urgently you need to take a slate and go and sit with scholars!” download the article click here