Thursday, July 28, 2011

A gift for 'Abdullah Mar'ee on the occasion of his visit to Maldives

هدية لعبد الله مرعي بمناسبة سفره إلى جزر المالديف
A Gift for 'Abdullah Mar'ee ('Abdullah al-'Adani) on the occasion of his visit to Maldives

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chapter on al-Eeman

Author: الشيخ أبو عبدالسلام حسن بن قاسم الحسني الريمي
Source:  الفوائد العقائدية من بعض شروح اللمعة الأثرية

al-Eeman according to Ahlu Sunnah is based on the five noons(ن):
1-                  اعتقاد بالجنان  (Belief with the heart)
2-                  نطق باللسان  (Utterance with the tongue)
3-                  عمل بالجوارح والأركان  (Actions with the limbs)
4-                  يزيد بطاعة الرحمن  (Increases with obedience to ar-Rahman)
5-                  ينقص بطاعة الشيطان   (Decreases with obedience to ash-Shaytaan)
This was said by our Shaykh al-Muhaddith Hammaad bin Muhammad al-Ansaari (رحمه الله) in his foreword to the checking of the book, ‘Ta’deem Qadr as-Salaat’ of al-Marwazi (رحمه الله).